Our team at K91Hybrid Training boasts a strong sports background and extensive experience in OCR races, Hyrox competitions, and trail running. We have firsthand knowledge of the physical and mental requirements necessary to excel in these demanding sports. Our expertise is not only based on theoretical knowledge but also on practical experience gained through years of participation in various international races and events.

We have several local and foreign podiums. These accomplishments speak volumes about our dedication, training methods, and ability to consistently perform at a high level. We have honed our skills through countless hours of training, learning from both successes and failures along the way.

At K91Hybrid Training, we believe in the power of personalized guidance and support. We recognize that every athlete is unique, with different strengths, weaknesses, and goals. That’s why our app offers as well customized training plans, allowing you to tailor your workouts to your specific needs and aspirations. Our training programs are designed to help you reach your full potential, pushing your boundaries and achieving new heights in OCR, running, and Hyrox.


Our consultancy services are tailored to unlock your potential and steer you towards success. Partner with us, and together we’ll turn challenges into opportunities.


We prioritize a holistic approach, ensuring every aspect of your operations is optimized for peak performance. With a focus on strategy and adaptability we transform visions into tangible results.


We believe in the transformative power of knowledge. Our training programs are meticulously designed to elevate skills, boost confidence, and foster innovation.


Behind every challenge lies an opportunity for unparalleled assistance. We understand the intricacies of your needs and are committed to providing prompt assistance every step of the way.




Ultimate Tailored Program 1-1

Clients’ Reviews


Outstanding hybrid training coach! K91’s approach seamlessly integrates in-person and online sessions, creating a well-rounded fitness experience. K91’s expertise, motivation and effective communication makes him invaluable guide in achieving fitness goals. A top choice for those seeking a comprehensive and flexible training program. Highly recommended!

Rating: 5 out of 5.

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